Custom Browser
Skin SDK - Custom Browser
The default Browser of VirtualDJ can be customized by using the following elements instead of the <browser> one, and place its elements anywhere inside a skin.
Basic Browser Lists elements (see Example 1) :
- <folderlist> : Provides the Folders List (without it's the vertical toolbar)
- <browsertoolbartree> : Provides the vertical toolbar of the Folders List
- <fileview> : Provides the Songs List (including the List, the Covers flow and the Search/Edit horizontal toolbar)
The <fileview> element can be also replaced with the following elements : (see Example 2) [list] - <browsertoolbar> : Provides the Horizontal Search bar of the Songs List (with Search bar, Search Options and
- <coverflow> : Provides the Covers Flow list. See detals in Skin Coverflow
- <filelist> : Provides the Songs List (without Covers Flow and Search)
Additional elements :
Parameters: :
- attachX="left|right|both" attachY="up|down|both" resizeX="yes|no" resizeY="yes|no" can be used if the Lists are part of a <split> panel see Split Panels
- grid="yes" : (optional) By default, all List elements will follow the Grid/List view selection. Use grid="yes" if you want the List to be displayed always in Grid View
- lineheight="" : (optional) Define the height of the Browser Lists Lines. lineheight="1.5" will set the line height to 150% compared to the default one (1.0)
- visibility="" : (optional) use visibility="true|false" or a vdj script verb, to query the display of the element
All the above elements require just the position and size to be defined as a child element
- <pos x="" y="" />
- <size width="" height=""/>
- same as <browser> , colors can be defined (optional). See Skin Browser

Example 1 :
The following code recreates a Browser of 1898 pixels in width, 509 pixels in height at X,Y 11,560 with the above elements in use. The example is using re sizable <split> elements, but the same elements can be used anywhere inside a skin (in case you need to display the Lists in separate areas)
<split name="effects" type="horizontal" position="100%" grab="0">
<pos x="11" y="560"/>
<size width="1898" height="509"/>
<split name="info" type="horizontal" position="80%" grab="10">
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<size width="1898" height="509"/>
<split name="folders" type="horizontal" position="25%" grab="10">
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<size width="1898" height="509"/>
<browsertoolbartree resizeX="no" attachX="left">
<size width="35" height="509"/>
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<folderlist resizeX="yes" attachX="both">
<size width="1898-37" height="509"/>
<pos x="0+37" y="0"/>
<split name="sideview" type="horizontal" position="70%" grab="10">
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<size width="1898" height="509"/>
<fileview attachX="both" attachY="both">
<size width="1898" height="509"/>
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<size width="1898" height="509"/>
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<separator close="right" closed="no" size="16" />
<separator close="left" size="16" closed="no" />
<size width="1898" height="509"/>
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<separator close="right" size="16" closed="no" />
<pluginzone resizeX="no" resizeY="yes" attachX="both">
<size width="1898" height="509"/>
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<separator close="right" closed="no" size="0" />
The code above is equal to :
<pos x="11" y="560"/>
<size width="1898" height="509"/>
Example 2 : The Songs List with additional Browser elements :
The <fileview> element of the example above ...
<fileview attachX="both" attachY="both">
<size width="1898" height="509"/>
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
... can be also offered using the <browsertoolbar>, <coverflow> and <filelist> elements as following..
<browsertoolbar resizeX="yes" resizeY="no" attachX="both" attachY="up">
<size width="1898" height="40"/>
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<split name="covers" type="vertical" position="15%" grab="5">
<pos x="0" y="44"/>
<size width="1898" height="509-44"/>
<coverflow attachX="both" attachY="both">
<size width="1898" height="509-44"/>
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<filelist attachX="both" attachY="both">
<size width="1898" height="509-44"/>
<pos x="0" y="0"/>
<separator close="up" closed="no" size="0" />
Skin Example:
You can download a demo skin with a combination of Example 1 and 2 from
More in depth:
Apart from the Lists (Folders, Files,Sideview etc) that can be added to a skin and create a custom Browser, every single part can be customized including the left-side vertical Toolbar, the top menu of the Sideview, the content of the File Info view, create a dedicated Prelisten Player etc.