Hardware Manuals

Left selector : USB A (Left Deck - Computer A), CD/LINE , PHONO , USB B (Left Deck - Computer B)
Right selector : USB A (Right Deck - Computer A), CD/LINE , PHONO , USB B (Right Deck - Computer B)
Additional note
The entire Equalizer, Filter and Master section of the unit is Hardware operated. The VirtualDJ Equalizer (including Stems) and Filter are not used, even thought the knobs on the GUI follow the actual ones (fake mode)
LCD Touch Screen
Fully functional Touch Display.
Displays Browser List, Track's BPM, selected Effect, Song progress wave, Scratch wave and other info and controls.
Read further details in DJM-S11 Manual https://www.pioneerdj.com/en/support/documents/mixer/djm-s11/#manual Browser & Loop