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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: how to revert to vdj2023 if you want to
VirtualDJ 2024 is currently in Early Access, which means it lets you test the new features before everyone else.
But, even though EarlyAccess means it already went through a rigorous beta testing internally, there can still be some edge cases that we didn't think about that might be broken with the new version. That's why it's not going straight away on General Release.
Especially with VirtualDJ 2024 that has a lot of changes under the hood about library management.

If you find yourself seeing something that doesn't work as it was in vdj2023, please first report it here so we can fix it, and second if you have a gig and want to revert to vdj2023, it's very easy.
Just download and reinstall from https://virtualdj.com/download , and after you launched vdj2023, click on the browser menu (small round button in the lower left corner, above the [A+] button), and select "Reset Root Folders".

(if you want to go back to vdj2024 again, do the same, run vdj2024 and select "Reset Root Folders". Or if you want to import playlist changes you made in vdj2023 after having already installed vdj2024, just delete the %appdata%/VirtualDJ/MyLists folder to force vdj2024 to reimport your 2023 playlists)

Posted Sun 24 Mar 24 @ 10:07 am
Hi i'll post this here.maybe 2024 is causing an issue.....Recently in the last month or so it seems, after playing both video and audio files through vdj to obs to twitch, issues are arising that always seem to happen about 90 minutes into a live stream, starting with videos first getting choppy, then ultimately the monitor screen in vdj just goes black or green. On twitch itself, i often see a video encoding error 3000 or 1000. after 15 minutes or so, this leads to a freeze of vdj where it's just unresponsive and not communicating with obs, and then obs seems to crash too. I've chatted with some technical people at obs and they assure me that i've got all the right obs settings so i'm not overloading my macbook m2 pro 16gb. when i run vdj and obs , and play videos/music without actually streaming, it seems to be fine (having said that i haven't played back to back videos for 90 minutes to truly test it out offline). I suspect though something is up with vdj at this point, in how it's seeing/handling videos lately. Are there any vdj settings i can adjust/tweak to minimize the chances of this happening? Thanks for any suggestions

Posted 2 days ago @ 2:51 pm