for VirtualDJ 2018 Last Update : October 2018
Windows (only): Download and install the Novation USB Driver from driver is required to be installed for Mac OSX computers.
Connect the unit’s USB socket with a USB port of your computer and the included DC Power adapter to an AC plug.
VirtualDJ Setup
Download and install VirtualDJ from (in case you have not done already)
Once VirtualDJ is opened, a Connect Window will appear. Login with your or your social media account’s credentials.
A Pro Infinity, a PLUS or a Pro Subscription License is required to use the Novation Launchpad Pro. Without any of the above Licenses, the unit will operate for 10 minutes each time you restart VirtualDJ.
A detection window will appear next verifying the proper connection of the Launchpad Pro.
Click to OK.
The unit is now
ready to operate.
The unit should be visible in the CONTROLLERS tab of Config as 3 separate devices (Pro, Pro Standalone and Pro MidiIN) and the “
factory default” available/selected from the Mappings drop-down list for each one of them.
The factory default Mapping of each device offers the functions described in this Manual, however those can be adjusted to your needs via VDJ Script actions.
Find more details at
The unit is not offering any built-in audio interface and VirtualDJ will use your computer’s built-in sound card by default (if not any other is chosen).
Depending on the sound card you need to use, manually create the necessary Master and Headphones audio configuration. See more in
Audio Setup of VirtualDJ ManualFor further software settings please refer to the User Guide of VirtualDJ 8.
Press the top
SESSION button, to set the device to
Sampler mode (selected by default on start-up)
1 to 64 PADSTrigger * Sample 1 to 64 from the selected Sampler Bank. The led of each Pad will take the nearest available color of the Sample (as defined in Sampler Editor)
When Record Arm button (Bottom 1st) is enabled, the pad records a new sample and ads it to the same slot position in the Recording BankStops the sample 1 to 64 of the selected Bank (useful when the Stutter or Un-mute trigger mode is selected)* The Pads offer velocity. When enabled, the volume of the samples will be altered depending on how hard the pad is pressed. See further details at the Advanced Setup chapter TOP BUTTONS
T1 ARROW UPSelect previous available Sampler Bank T2 ARROW DOWNSelect next available Sampler Bank T3 ARROW LEFTHalves the loop size of the selected/current sampler (when it's set in Loop mode) T4 ARROW RIGHTDoubles the loop size of the selected/current sampler (when it's set in Loop mode) T5 SESSIONSelects the current Sampler mode T6 NOTESelects the Effects mode mode T7 DEVICESelects the Mixer mode mode T8 USERSelects the User's mode mode LEFT BUTTONS
L1 SHIFTPress and hold down to access secondary actions, as described in the SHIFT ACTIONS column L2 CLICKSelect the 'On/Off' Trigger Sampler mode. L3 UNDOSelect the 'Hold' Trigger Sampler mode. L4 DELETESelect the 'Stutter' Trigger Sampler mode. L5 QUANTIZESelect the 'Un-Mute' Trigger Sampler mode. L6 DUPLICATENot assigned L7 DOUBLENot assigned. L8 CIRCLESets the selected/current sample to Loop mode RIGHT BUTTONS
R1 to R7 ARROWQuick Bank select buttons. Select the 1st to the 7th first available Banks of Sampler. Banks (next/previous) can be selected from the Top Down/Up Arrow buttons R8 ARROWSelect the Recordings Sampler Bank BOTTOM BUTTONS
B1 RECORD ARMEnable Sampler Recording mode. When enabled, use Pads 1 to 64 to record a new sample to the corresponding slot of the Recordings Bank B2 TRACK SELECTSelect the Trigger Pads view (led is bright) where Samples are shown in boxes in GUI, or the Detailed view where samples are listed along with other properties and controls, such as Volume, Loop Size and Controls, etc. B3 MUTENot assigned B4 SOLONot assigned. B5 VOLUMEPress to select the Sampler Volume Controls mode (led will become bright). In this mode, the Pads control the Volumes of the Samples, as explained further.
Press again to return to the default Trigger Sampler view. B6 PANPress to select the Sampler Group Volume Controls mode (led will become bright). In this mode, the Pads control the Volumes of the Groups of the selected Bank (if available), as explained further.
Press again to return to the default Trigger Sampler view. B7 SENDSWhen enabled (default - led is bright), audio signal from Sampler will be routed to the Headphones channel as well.. B8 STOP CLIPStops all currently playing samples. SAMPLER VOLUME MODE
When in Sampler mode, use the
VOLUME button at the bottom [B5] to set Pads to
Volume Control.
In this mode, the 8 columns of Pads adjust the
Volume of the 1st to 8th sample of the selected Sampler Bank. Press a pad inside the column of the corresponding sampler slot to gradually* adjust its Volume from the minimum (zero) - when lowest pad is pressed - to the maximum (volume 100%) - when the upper pad is pressed.
* The speed that the volume will increase/decrease to the set value, depends on the velocity (how hard the pad is initially pressed).The Colors of the Pads in the same column will automatically get the color of the sample (1 to 8).
Note that if a sample (1 to 8) is assigned to a Sampler group, adjusting its volume will also adjust the volumes of all samples that are assigned to the same group. Sampler groups are defined in Sampler Editor.
If you wish to adjust the Volume of a single sample, without affecting the volumes of the other samples in the same group, use the right-side arrow buttons (R1 to R8) to select a
block of samples (1 to 8, 9 to 16 ... etc up to 57 to 64). When all right-side arrow buttons are off, the Pads in the 8 columns will adjust the volume of all samples in the same group.
When in Sampler mode, use the
PAN button at the bottom [B6] to set the 64 Pads to
Volume Groups Control. In this mode, the 8 columns represent the volumes of the available sampler groups in the selected Sampler bank. If no groups are defined/assigned to any sample, the pads/columns will have no functionality.
Press the top
NOTE button, to set the device to
Effects mode.
In this mode, the 32 left-side Pads along with the 4 left-side bottom buttons control the Effects on Left deck and the right-side pads and buttons, the Effects on the Right deck.
Press a pad to adjust the value of the Parameter of the selected Effect. The speed that the value will increase/decrease to the set value, depends on the velocity (how hard the pad is initially pressed).
The leds of the pads inside a column represent the current value of the Effect parameter in 2 patterns. Most of the Effect parameters have their "off" value at the minimum 0% and those get the "volume-style" pattern. Some others, have their "off" value at the middle, and those get the "pan-style" pattern where the 2 middle leds represent the center/off value.
PAD COLUMN 1 Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect on Left deck PAD COLUMN 2 Adjust the 2nd Parameter of the selected Effect on Left deck PAD COLUMN 3 Adjust the 3rd Parameter of the selected Effect on Left deck PAD COLUMN 4 Adjust the 4th Parameter of the selected Effect on Left deck PAD COLUMN 5 Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect on Right deck PAD COLUMN 6 Adjust the 2nd Parameter of the selected Effect on Right deck PAD COLUMN 7 Adjust the 3rd Parameter of the selected Effect on Right deck PAD COLUMN 8 Adjust the 4th Parameter of the selected Effect on Right deck TOP BUTTONS
T1 ARROW UPSelect the previous available Mixer panel in the default VirtualDJ GUI (Audio mixer, Video, Scratch panel and Master panel) T2 ARROW DOWNSelect the next available Mixer panel in the default VirtualDJ GUI (Audio mixer, Video, Scratch panel and Master panel) T3 ARROW LEFTMoves the Crossfader to the left by 5% each time its pressed. Hold down to repeat the movement every 100 msMoves the crossfader to the far more left positionT4 ARROW RIGHTMoves the Crossfader to the right by 5% each time its pressed. Hold down to repeat the movement every 100 msMoves the crossfader to the far more right position T5 SESSIONSelects the Sampler (default) mode T6 NOTESelects the (current) Effects mode mode T7 DEVICESelects the Mixer mode mode T8 USERSelects the User's mode mode LEFT BUTTONS
L1 SHIFTPress and hold down to access secondary actions, as described in the SHIFT ACTIONS column L2 το L8 Not assigned RIGHT BUTTONS
R1 το R8 Not assigned BOTTOM BUTTONS
B1 RECORD ARMEnable/disable the selected Effect on Left Deck B2 TRACK SELECTSelect the previous available Effect for Left Deck B3 MUTESelect the next available Effect for Left Deck B4 SOLOOpen/close the FX GUI of the selected Effect for Left Deck (a small window is attached to the right side of the Browser with all the Parameters and details of the Effect) B5 VOLUMEEnable/disable the selected Effect on Right Deck B6 PANSelect the previous available Effect for Right Deck B7 SENDSSelect the next available Effect for Right Deck B8 STOP CLIPOpen/close the FX GUI of the selected Effect for Right Deck (a small window is attached to the right side of the Browser with all the Parameters and details of the Effect)
Press the top
DEVICE button, to set the device to
Mixer mode and get controls for Volume, Equalizer, EQ kills etc.
Press a pad inside a column to gradually adjust the left/right deck's volume or Equalizer band. The speed that the value will increase/decrease, depends on the velocity (how hard the pad was initially pressed). See
Advanced SetupThe leds for Columns 1 and 5 represent the Volume of left/right assigned decks and will get the deck's color (green for deck 3, orange for deck 4) in a "volume-style" pattern.
The leds of the other columns represent the Equalizer bands values of left/right assigned decks, will always use white color and the "pan-style" pattern. When both middle leds (4th and 5th row) are lit, the value is set at 50% (centered Equalizer)
1 PADS COLUMNAdjust the Volume of Left deck 2 PADS COLUMNAdjust the High Equalizer band frequencies of Left deck 3 PADS COLUMNAdjust the Mid Equalizer band frequencies of Left deck 4 PADS COLUMNAdjust the Low Equalizer band frequencies of Left deck 5 PADS COLUMNAdjust the Volume of Right deck 6 PADS COLUMNAdjust the High Equalizer band frequencies of Right deck 7 PADS COLUMNAdjust the Mid Equalizer band frequencies of Right deck 8 PADS COLUMNAdjust the Low Equalizer band frequencies of Right deck TOP BUTTONS
T1 ARROW UPSelect the previous available Mixer panel in the default VirtualDJ GUI (Audio mixer, Video, Scratch panel and Master panel) T2 ARROW DOWNSelect the next available Mixer panel in the default VirtualDJ GUI (Audio mixer, Video, Scratch panel and Master panel) T3 ARROW LEFTMoves the Crossfader to the left by 5% each time its pressed. Hold down to repeat the movement every 100 msMoves the crossfader to the far more left positionT4 ARROW RIGHTMoves the Crossfader to the right by 5% each time its pressed. Hold down to repeat the movement every 100 msMoves the crossfader to the far more right position T5 SESSIONSelects the Sampler (default) mode T6 NOTESelects the Effects mode mode T7 DEVICESelects the (current) Mixer mode mode T8 USERSelects the User's mode mode LEFT BUTTONS
L1 SHIFTPress and hold down to access secondary actions, as described in the SHIFT ACTIONS column L2 το L8 Not assigned RIGHT BUTTONS
R1 το R8 Not assigned BOTTOM BUTTONS
B1 RECORD ARMSends audio signal of Left deck to the Headphones channel for pre-listening (PFL) B2 TRACK SELECTKill High Equalizer Band on Left deck B3 MUTEKill Middle Equalizer Band on Left deck B4 SOLOKill Low Equalizer Band on Left deck B5 VOLUMESends audio signal of Right deck to the Headphones channel for pre-listening (PFL) B6 PANKill High Equalizer Band on Right deck B7 SENDSKill Middle Equalizer Band on Right deck B8 STOP CLIPKill Low Equalizer Band on Right deck
Press the top
USER button, to set the device to
User mode
1 to 4 PADS ROWSTrigger the action assigned to the buttons of the selected Pad page on Left/Right Deck Trigger the SHIFT action assigned to the buttons of the selected Pad page on Left/Right Deck 5 PADS ROWAdjust the Parameters 1 and 2 of the selected Pad page on Left/Right Deck
6 PADS ROWSet a Loop In and Loop Out point (manual loop), and half/double its size on Left/Right Deck 7 PADS ROWPitch Bend -/+, Manual Beat Tap and Pitch Reset on Left/Right Deck 8 PADS ROWCue, Stop, Play and Sync buttons on Left/Right Deck
T1 ARROW UPSelect the previous available page for Left deck Pads section T2 ARROW DOWNSelect the next available page for Left deck Pads section T3 ARROW LEFTSelect the previous available page for Right deck Pads section T4 ARROW RIGHTSelect the next available page for Right deck Pads section T5 SESSIONSelects the Sampler mode T6 NOTESelects the Effects mode mode T7 DEVICESelects the Mixer mode mode T8 USERSelects the current User's mode mode LEFT / RIGHT BUTTONS
L1 SHIFTPress and hold down to access secondary actions, as described in the SHIFT ACTIONS column L2 / R2CLICKToggles between Pads 1-8 and 9-16 view in default VirtualDJ GUI (or any custom skin with 16 pads support) on Left/Right Deck L3 / R3 UNDOSelects the Hotcues Pad page for Left/Right Deck. L4 / R4 DELETESelects the Loop Roll Pad page for Left/Right Deck L5 / R5 QUANTIZESelects the Loops Pad page for Left/Right Deck. L6 / R6 DUPLICATESelects the BeatJump Pad page for Left/Right Deck L7 / R7 DOUBLESelects the Slicer Pad page for Left/Right Deck L8 / R8 CIRCLESelects the KeyCue Pad page for Left/Right Deck BOTTOM BUTTONS
B1 RECORD ARMStarts/Stop recording your mix B2 TRACK SELECTNot assigned. B3 MUTENot assigned B4 SOLONot assigned. B5 VOLUMENot assigned.. B6 PANNot assigned.. B7 SENDSMix with other deck. Automatically smooth crossfade to the other deck and start the deck in tempo B8 STOP CLIPNot assigned..
The User mode (provided with the Top USER button) offers
6 different User modes. Those are selected by holding down the
SETUP button and select one of the
blue colored Pads 1 to 6 as per the image below. Each one of the 6 user modes represent a different Midi channel. The left side red colored pads represent the default midi channels of the unit and those are reserved and cannot be selected.
User mode 1 functionality is pre-mapped and described in the
User Mode section of this manual.
User mode 2 functionality is pre-mapped and offers
OS2L commands 1 to 64 for the pads and no other action assigned at the top/bottom/left/right buttons.
User modes 3 to 6 are un-assigned and can be assigned to whatever VDJ actions you need.
- After each time you select a User mode, you need to press the USER button at the top so that the status of the leds get refreshed.
- The User (Midi Channel) mode selection is memorized, so if the User 2 mode is selected, then use one of the SESSION, NOTE or DEVICE buttons at the top to go to a different mode and then back to USER, the previously selected User mode will be offered.
The Launchpad Pro is detected as 3 different Midi devices as shown in the Controllers tab of VirtualDJ Settings and those represent a pair of Midi In/Out ports. The Novation Launchpad Pro (default device) and the Novation Launchpad Pro Standalone offer similar functionality as described in this manual, with Sampler, Effects, Mixer and Deck Control modes. The MidiIN device has no MIDI functionality and is mostly used to send and receive Midi Clock signals, to synchronize external devices and applications.
How to select a deviceTo select the Standalone device, hold down the
SETUP button and then press
Pad Nr.5 (orange).
To select the default (also known as "Live") device press the SETUP button and then press Pad Nr.1 (green)
- The other 3 colored pads (2,3 and 4) should not be selected.
- The default (Live) device is selected by default each time VirtualDJ starts
How useful is to have 2 devices offering the same functionality ? You may need to control 2 different applications with the same device. E.g. controlling VirtualDJ and a DMX software (without OS2L support) or other DAW application. In this case, you can set one of the 2 devices to "Ignore" and prevent VirtualDJ to receive and send Midi notes from this device, leaving it "free" to be chosen from the 3rd party software of your choice.
Ignore device to be used with 3rd party application STANDALONE DEVICE
More specifically, the Standalone device offers...
- Effects mode when the NOTE button is pressed, with the exact functionality as described in the Effects mode
- Mixer mode when the DEVICE button is pressed, with the exact functionality as described in the Mixer mode
- Sampler mode when the USER button is pressed and the USER Channel 1 is selected, as described in the Sampler mode
- Pads and Deck Controls mode when the USER button is pressed and the USER Channel 2 is selected as described in the User mode
- OSL2 functionality when the USER mode button is pressed and the USER Channel 3 is selected.
- No functionality when the SESSION button is pressed.
- No functionality (can be customized) when USER mode button is selected and one the USER Channels 4 to 16 is selected.
The Standalone device offers
16 different User modes (Midi channels), and those can be selected by pressing the
SETUP button and then select any of the
16 blue colored pads as shown in the image below.
- After each time you select a User mode, you need to press the USER button at the top so that the status of the leds get refreshed.
- The User (Midi Channel) mode selection is memorized, so if the User 2 mode is selected, then use one of the NOTE or DEVICE buttons at the top to go to a different mode and then back to USER, the previously selected User mode will be offered.
The 3rd available device - Novation Launchpad Pro MIDIIN - is not offering any mapping, nor any Pad or button offers MIDI In/Out functionality. The only purpose of this device is to be used to send and receive Midi Clock signals, in order to synchronize an external device (using the MIDI OUT socket at the rear side of the unit), or 3rd party applications.
For this purpose, you will need to enable
Midi Clock Output from Controllers tab of VirtualDJ for this device (right-click option)
The Launchpad Pro offers a Setup mode while the top-left
SETUP button
is pressed. The Setup mode is used to select a device/mode, select a User Mode Midi Channel, enable/disable Velocity etc.
As explained in other chapters of this manual, the Launchpad Pro offers 2 different devices (MIDI port pairs) and several modes, some of them are hardware layers. The devices and modes can be selected by pressing the SETUP button and one of the first 5 top-left Pads as per the image above.
- Pad 1 : Default device - Live mode. Selects the default LaunchPad Pro device (also known as the Live mode). This device is selected by default when VirtualDJ starts.
- Pad 2 : Default device - Note mode. Selects the Note mode for the default Device. In this mode, the Pads and buttons send Midi messages similar to the Live mode, but in different and sometimes weird order, so it is strongly advised not be used/selected, or else the VirtualDJ functionality may be awkward
- Pad 3 : Default device - Drum mode. Selects the Drum mode for the default Device. In this mode, the Pads and buttons send Midi messages similar to the Live mode, but in different order - grouped in blocks in a way - so it is strongly advised not be used/selected, or else the VirtualDJ functionality may be awkward
- Pad 4 : Default device - Fader mode. Selects the Fader mode for the default Device. In this mode, the Pads send Midi messages per columns, simulating 8 vertical faders. This mode is used for the Mixer and Effects modes as described in this manual, and are selected via the NOTE and DEVICE mode buttons.
- Pad 5 : Stand-Alone device Selects the Stand-Alone Device (the one detected as LaunchPad Pro Standalone in VirtualDJ Controllers tab). When this device is selected, MIDI messages will be only received from the unit and not the Live/default one.
The unit offers 2 kind of velocity for the 64 Pads
- Touch Velocity messages which returns how hard the pad was initially pressed
- After-Touch Velocity messages which continuously return how hard the pad is pressed at the moment.
Each one of the above velocity messages is available in VirtualDJ, are pre-assigned mostly to Sampler Volumes and both can be enabled/disabled from the Device Setup mode.
As shown in the image above, use the 4 Touch Velocity pads to turn off Touch Velocity (white pad) or one of the other 3 green pads, which determine how hard the Pad needs to be pressed initially to offer the maximum velocity value
Use the After-Touch Velocity pads to turn off After Touch Velocity (white pad) or to enable it using the
POLY green pad. The CHAN After-Touch Velocity mode offers a global After-Touch message, regardless which Pad is pressed, which is not defined or can be used within VirtualDJ, thus it should not be selected.
If After-Touch Velocity is enabled, you can select one of the 3
Thresholds (Low, Medium or High) which determine how the velocity curve is handling the after-touch velocity messages.
Each Launchpad Pro device (Live and Stand-Alone) offers 16 different Midi Channels, and those are mostly used to select one of the User modes. The red-colored Pads as shown in the image above, represent the reserved Midi Channels and those cannot be selected. The blue-colored pads represent the custom user mode channels and those can be selected to offer User modes 1 to 6 (for the Live device) and 1 to 16 for the Stand-Alone one.
For further Technical features and specifications, visit Novation Launchpad Pro
Product's Page
Hardware Integration Department 2018 - ATOMIX PRODUCTIONS Reproduction of this manual in full or in part without written permission from Atomix Productions is prohibited.