for VirtualDJ 8.2+ Last Update : July 2016
Firmware & Drivers
Firmware: Update the firmware of the unit to the latest version from
Pioneer DjDrivers: Install the latest drivers (for both
Windows and
MacOS X computers) from
Pioneer DjVirtualDJ 8 Setup
Download and install VirtualDJ 8 from our Downloads Page
(in case you have not done already)
Once VirtualDJ 8 is launched, a Login Window will appear. Login with your account credentials. A Pro Infinity or a Pro Subscription License is required to fully use the Pioneer DDJ-RZ
Without any of the above Licenses, the controller will operate for 10 minutes each time you restart VirtualDJ.
Buy a license
A detection window will appear next verifying proper connection with the DDJ-RZ.
Click on the "Use Soundcard" button in order VirtualDJ to apply the pre-defined audio configuration. Keep in mind that due to the nature of the unit, speakers need to be connected to the Master Output of the DDJ-RZ and the pre-defined audio configuration to be used.
Click to OK.
The unit is now ready to operate. Advanced Setup
MIDI Operation
The unit should be visible in the CONTROLLERS tab of Config and the “factory default” available/selected from the Mappings drop-down list. The factory default Mapping offers the functions described in this Manual, however those can be adjusted to your needs via VDJ Script actions.
Find more details at
VDJ Pedia
The unit has a pre-defined Audio setup and a special button in the AUDIO tab of Config to provide that. Alternative Audio setups can be applied in the same window.
Please note that the unit offers two different modes for it's audio routing.
VirtualDJ uses the default audio routing provided by the device which is "Internal Mixer Mode". Please use Pioneer's "DDJ-RZ Setting Uitlity" application to make sure that the audio routing of the device is set to the correct mode prior operating this unit.
For further software settings please refer to the
Manuals of VirtualDJ 8.
S SHIFT: Hold this button down to access secondary functions of Pioneer DDJ-RZ (mainly in black lettering inside a gray box)
The functionality of each button, knob and slider per section (as shown in the image above) will be explained in detail in the next chapters
- CROSSFADER. Blends audio between the channels assigned to the left and right side of the crossfader.
- CROSSFADER CH ASSIGN. Define if a mixer channel will be output regardless of the position of the crossfader (THRU position) or Left/Right.
- VOLUME. Adjust the Volume of each channel. While SHIFT is held down, the VOLUME faders will stop the deck at the previously selected Cue when these reach the minimum level (zero) and will start the deck (synced to the other deck) if those move from the zero position. (Fader Start)
- CUE (PFL) (per channel) Press these buttons to send each channel to the Headphones Output channel.
- COLOR FX PARAMETER. Adjust the parameter of the selected COLOR FX for each channel. When in middle position, the COLOR FX has no effect on the sound.
- CH INPUT VUMETER. Shows each channels input (pre fader) volume.
- HIGH/MID/LOW (EQ). Adjust the High, Mid and Low frequencies for each mixer channel.
- TRIM. Adjust the Gain of each mixer channel. Note that the "zero gain / park" position is 12 o clock.
- FX ASSIGN. Copy applied effects from one deck to another. See EFFECTS
- INPUT SELECTORS. Define the source of each Channel. Put the switchers to USB position for software mixing.
- USB. Define if the Left or Right channels of the DDJ-RZ mixer will be controlled by the computer connected to the USB A port or the computer to USB B port. Use these buttons to do seamless transitions between 2 dj's with different computers connected on DDJ-RZ USB ports.
- MASTER VOLUME. Adjust the level of the Master Output. Hardware operation but movement visible on the VirtualDJ GUI
- MASTER CUE (PFL). Send the Master Output of the unit to the Headphones Output channel. Please note that in order to hear the Master Output on your headphones you must also turn the HEADPHONES MIXING (20) knob to the desired position.
- MASTER OUTPUT VUMETER. Shows the master output volume of the unit. Hardware operation.
- BOOTH MONITOR. Adjust the level of the Booth Output of the DDJ-RZ. Hardware operation, not visible on the VirtualDJ GUI.
- MASTER COLOR FX PARAMETER. Adjust the Color FX of the master sound output. Hardware operation, not visible on VirtualDJ GUI.
- OSCILATOR. Internal OSCILATOR generator of the DDJ-RZ, when OSCILLATOR SWITCH (18) is set to INT position.
Hardware operation, not visible on the VirtualDJ GUI nor affect the software Sampler. Read further details on the unit’s operation manual.
- OSCILATOR SWITCH. Select whether the OSCILLATOR SAMPLER section of DDJ-RZ will work in internal / hardware / stand alone mode (INT position) or it will send MIDI commands on the computer connected on one of each two USB ports. Please note that when the switch is set to USB A/B the internal OSCILLATOR does not function any more, and that VirtualDj does not have any commands assigned on this section.
- HEADPHONES VOLUME. Adjust the volume of the Headphones Channel. Hardware operation, but movement visible on the VirtualDJ GUI.
- HEADPHONES MIXING. Adjust how the Channels and the Master Output blend at the Headphones Channel. Hardware operation, but movement visible on the VirtualDJ GUI.
- SOUND COLOR FX. Select one of the predefined Color Effects (Space, Jet, Pitch and Filter).
- SAMPLER COLOR FX PARAMETER. This knob is not used by VirtualDj.
- SAMPLER VOLUME. Adjust the Master Output Volume of the VirtualDJ Sampler
- MIC EQ. Adjust the HIGH and LOW frequencies of MIC1 and MIC2 Inputs of the DDJ-RZ (Hardware operation)
- MIC VOLUME. Adjust the Volume Level of MIC1 and MIC2 Inputs of the DDJ-RZ (Hardware operation)
- MIC CONTROL. Turn ON and OFF the MIC1 and MIC2 Inputs of the DDJ-RZ or enable the auto Talk Over. (Hardware operation)
Deck Controls
- PLAY/PAUSE. Plays / Pauses the track. Press and hold SHIFT and then press this button to "stutter-play" the track from the last set Cue Point.
- CUE. When the Deck is paused, you can set a temporary Cue Point by moving the Platter to place the Audio Pointer at the desired location and then pressing the Cue Button. During playback, you can press the Cue Button to return the track to this Cue Point. (If you did not set a Cue Point, then it will return to the beginning of the track.). If the Deck is paused, you can press and hold the Cue Button to play the track from the Temporary Cue Point. Releasing the Cue Button will return the track to the temporary Cue Point and pause it. To continue playback without returning to the Temporary Cue Point, press and hold the Cue Button, then press and hold the Play Button, and then release both buttons.
Hold down SHIFT and then press this button to return to the beginning of the track.
- SYNC. Press this button to automatically match the corresponding Deck's tempo with the opposite Deck's (or the Master Deck’s if using a 4 decks Skin) tempo and phase. Hold down SHIFT and press this button to set this deck as Master Deck (for 4 decks skins).
- QUANTIZE. Press this button to toggle Quantize on/off. When Quantize is enabled, setting loops, jumping between hot cue points and starting playback of the deck will snap to the grid (CBG) of the track.
S SHIFT. Press and hold this button to access secondary functions (black lettering in gray box) of other controls on the DDJ-RZ
- DECK SELECT. Switch Left decks (1 and 3) and Right Decks (2 and 4).
- GRID SLIDE. Hold down this button and then move the JOGWHEEL to shift the position of the CBG of the track. Hold down SHIFT and press this button to double the BPM of the current track.
- GRID ADJUST. Hold down this button and then move the JOGWHEEL to adjust the width of the CBG of the track (equal to adjusting the BPM of the track). Hold down SHIFT and press this button to halve the BPM of the current track.
- SLIP REVERSE. Press and hold this button to play the track backwards. On release the track will continue from the position it would have been if the button was never pressed. Hold down SHIFT and press this button (momentarily) to play the track backwards. Press again to return to forward direction.
- SLIP. Enables Slip Mode. Several software functions (such as Jogwheel movements, HotCues and Loops) will apply temporary on the track, and the track will return to the position it would have been if those functions were not triggered. Hold down SHIFT and press this button to toggle between the Scratch and Bend Jogwheel modes.
- NEEDLE SEARCH STRIP. The length of this strip represents the length of the entire track. Place your finger on a point along this sensor to jump to that point in the track (song position). While your finger touches the strip, the track will start a temporary playback (if it was not playing before) in order to preview that area of the track. Lift your finger from the strip to stop playback.
Important notice: In order to avoid accidental track jumps when you manipulate FX, the needle search does not operate when the deck is on air. If you want to use the strip while a deck is on air please hold down SHIFT first, and then touch the strip. You can change this behavior by changing the Needle Search Security setting. (See Special Settings)
- JOGWHEEL. Touch sensitive platter for scratching (vinyl mode), bending (CD Mode) or Grid adjust.
The outer white/blue leds will start blinking if the track reaches 30 seconds before the end.
The inner white leds will rotate according to the software jogwheel position.
The inner red ring indicates the loop's progress bar if a loop is active, or current hotcue's position on the jogwheel rotation. If Slip Mode is active, among with the current hotcue's position, the red leds will also show you the slipping rotation of the jog.
- JOG FEELING ADJUST. Adjust the tension of the jogwheel (hardware operation)
- VINYL SPEED ADJUST. Adjust the time needed for the track to reach to full stop when PLAY/PAUSE (27) button is used to stop the deck (vinyl brake)
- MASTER TEMPO. Press this button to "lock" the track's pitch to its original key. The track's tempo will remain at the speed designated by the Pitch Fader. Hold down SHIFT and press this button to cycle through the available pitch ranges (6%, 10%, 12% and 100%)
- TEMPO. Controls the track's playback tempo. The Up and Down arrow LEDs will turn on if the tempo position of the unit and the actual tempo of the software do not match. While one of these LEDs is on, the tempo slider of the DDJ-RZ will not control the tempo of the deck until it meets the software value (soft take-over). Move the unit's tempo slider towards the direction of the LED that's turned on until it turns off. Now you can use the unit's tempo slider to adjust the tempo of the software.
- SEQUENCER. These buttons are not used by VirtualDj
- AUTO BEAT LOOP. Sets an Automatic loop where it's length equals the current loop length as seen in VirtualDj GUI. You can use the LOOP HALF/DOUBLE (44) buttons to adjust the length of the auto loop. Hold down SHIFT and press this button to activate a Saved Loop.
- LOOP HALF/DOUBLE. Halves/Doubles the size of the current active loop, or the predefined loop length used by AUTO BEAT LOOP (43) button. Hold down SHIFT and press these buttons when a loop is active to move the loop forward or backwards as many beats as it's current length.
- LOOP IN/OUT. Use these buttons to set a Loop In and a Loop Out point (for manual looping).
Hold down SHIFT and press the "IN" button to jump back to the last "Loop In" point.
Hold down SHIFT and press the "OUT" button to cancel and exit the current loop -if the track is in loop- or reactivate the last used loop otherwise.
- PAD MODE. Switch the pads of the unit to various modes (see PADS)
- PADS. Offer various operations, depending on the PADs Mode (see PADS)
- PARAMETERS. Offer various operations, depending on the PADs Mode (see PADS)
Turn: Scrolls through files or folders. Hold down SHIFT and turn this knob to adjust the zoom of the waveforms on VirtualDj GUI.
Push: Opens / Closes folders on tree view of VirtualDj browser. Hold down SHIFT and press this knob down to open the Tag Editor in order to edit track's information.
- BACK. Sets focus to the Folders list. If focus is on the Folders list, set focus on the Songs list.
Hold down SHIFT and press this button to cycle though the available Sideview lists (Automix, Sidelist, Karaoke, Sampler and Clone).
- LOAD. Loads the currently selected track on the deck. Press this button twice to clone the track from the other deck.
Hold down SHIFT and press this button to add the currently selected track on the Sidelist.
- PANEL. Press this button to cycle through the available mixer panels on VirtualDj GUI (Mixer, Video, Scratch and Master). Hold down SHIFT and press this button to switch the Sideview list to Sampler View.
The Left FX unit (FX1) controls the effects of the Left selected software deck (1 or 3) and the Right FX unit (FX2) controls the effects of the Right selected software deck (2 or 4) respectively. Use the FX ASSIGN (9) buttons to clone (copy) the Effects from one deck to another.
Each one of the FX unit offers 2 modes. The
Single Effect mode that offers one effect slot but more parameters controls per effect, and the
Multi Effects mode that offers 3 effect slots (to trigger more than 1 effect at the same time – chained effects).
The selection between those 2 modes is done by holding down
SHIFT button and pressing the
RELEASE FX (55) knob/encoder down.
Single FX mode - 2 Decks Default skin
Single FX mode - 4 Decks Default skin In this mode a single Effect is controlled with up to 6 Parameters and 4 Effect buttons. Only the first 2 Parameters are visible on the GUI. More Parameters and Effect buttons can be viewed in the FX GUI (opened from the + button on the GUI)
- FX1 knob. Controls the 1st effect parameter of the selected effect.
Hold down Shift and turn the knob to control the 4th effect parameter of the selected effect (if available).
- FX2 knob. Controls the 2nd effect parameter of the selected effect (if available).
Hold down Shift and turn the knob to control the 5th effect parameter of the selected effect (if available).
- FX3 knob. Controls the 3rd effect parameter of the selected effect (if available).
Hold down Shift and turn the knob to control the 6th effect parameter of the selected effect (if available).
- FX1 ON. Enables/disables the selected effect.
Hold down Shift and press this button to select the next available effect.
- FX2 ON. Enables/disables the 1st effect button of the selected effect (if available).
Hold down Shift and press this button to enable/disable the 3rd effect button of the selected effect (if available).
- FX3 ON. Enables/disables the 2nd effect button of the selected effect (if available).
Hold down Shift and press this button to enable/disable the 4th effect button of the selected effect (if available).
Multi FX mode - 2 Decks Default skin
Multi FX mode - 4 Decks Default skin In this mode 3 different Effects can be applied and controlled with up to 2 Parameters for each FX slot. Only the first Parameter is visible on the GUI (and the 2nd Parameter while SHIFT is held on the DDJ-RZ). More Parameters and Effect buttons can be viewed in the FX GUI (opened from the + button on the GUI)
- FX1 knob. Controls the 1st effect parameter of the selected effect of slot 1.
Hold down Shift and turn the knob to control the 2nd effect parameter of the selected effect of slot 1 (if available).
- FX2 knob. Controls the 1st effect parameter of the selected effect of slot 2.
Hold down Shift and turn the knob to control the 2nd effect parameter of the selected effect of slot 2 (if available).
- FX3 knob. Controls the 1st effect parameter of the selected effect of slot 3.
Hold down Shift and turn the knob to control the 2nd effect parameter of the selected effect of slot 3 (if available).
- FX1 ON. Enable/disable the selected effect of slot 1.
Hold down Shift and press this button to select the next available effect for slot 1.
- FX2 ON. Enable/disable the selected effect of slot 2.
Hold down Shift and press this button to select the next available effect for slot 2.
- FX3 ON. Enable/disable the selected effect of slot 3.
Hold down Shift and press this button to select the next available effect for slot 3.
Turn: Adjust the key of the track. Hold down Shift and turn the knob to jump backwards or forward in the track on 4 beats steps.
Push: Reset the key of the track to the original key. Hold down Shift and push the knob to toggle between Single Effect and Multi Effects mode.
- EFFECT BEATS <. Press this button to decrease the value of the Beats for the selected Effect (only for effects that offer this feature).
- EFFECT BEATS >. Press this button to increase the value of the Beats for the selected Effect (only for effects that offer this feature).
The 8 RGB Pads offer various functions, depending on the selected Pad mode. Each of the 4 Pad mode buttons offers 2 individual modes (hold
SHIFT and then press the PAD MODE button to access the additional mode). The modes represent a page of the PADS section on the default VirtualDJ GUI.
- PAD MODE. Press any of the 4 available Pad mode buttons to set the Pads to Hotcues, Loop Roll, Slicer or Sampler mode.
Hold SHIFT and then press any of the 4 available Pad mode buttons to set the Pads to Beat Jump, Key Cue, Loops or Velocity Sampler mode.
- PADS. The 8 Pads offer different functionality depending on the selected mode. See next chapters for further details.
- PARAMETER. These buttons control the Parameters of the selected Pad mode.
Press the
HOT CUE mode button to set the PADs to Hot Cue mode.
Hotcues mode – Pioneer DDJ-RZ Hotcues pad page – VirtualDJ GUI Each one of the 8 pad
assigns a Hot Cue Point (1 to 8)
or jumps the track to that Hot Cue Point (if assigned).
When a Hot Cue Button is unlit, you can assign a Hot Cue Point by pressing it at the desired point in your track. Once it is assigned, the Hot Cue Button will light on.
The color of the Pad depends on the setting nonColoredPOI or the assigned color from the POI Editor
SHIFT and then press a pad to
delete its assigned Hot Cue Point.
Use the
PARAMETER buttons to jump the song to the
previous/next assigned HotCue point.
SHIFT and then use the PARAMETER buttons (48) to
jump 1 beat backwards/forward.
Read further details about Pads in the
VirtualDJ 8 manual
Press the
PAD FX1 mode button to set the PADs to Loop Roll mode.
Loop Roll mode – Pioneer DDJ-RZ Loop Roll pad page – VirtualDJ GUI Press one of the 8 pads to trigger a
momentary Loop Roll. Once the Pad is released, the track will resume playing from the position it would have been if the Loop Roll was never triggered. The exit point will be visible on the waveform of the VirtualDJ GUI with an additional “running” play marker.
SHIFT to get ½, ¾, 1 and 2 beats Loop Roll sizes for the 4 lower pads.
Use the Page menu to apply the Loop Rolls to Video.
PARAMETER buttons are not used in this mode.
Read further details about Pads in the
VirtualDJ 8 manual
Press the
SLICER mode button to set the PADs to SLICER mode.
Slicer mode – Pioneer DDJ-RZ Slicer pad page – VirtualDJ GUI The 8 pads represent eight sequential beats—"Slices"—in the Beat Grid. The currently playing Slice is represented by the currently green lit pad. The light will move through the pads as it progresses through each eight-Slice phrase. Press a pad to repeat that Slice (hold it down if you want to keep looping it).
Once the Pad is released the track will continue to play from the position it would have been if the pad was never pressed.
SHIFT and then use the Pads to repeat the
memorized Slices (the Slices played/repeated last time)
Use the
PARAMETER buttons to adjust the
length of the Loop applied to the slice.
SHIFT down and then use the PARAMETER buttons to
adjust the step of the Slices
Read further details about Pads in the
VirtualDJ 8 manual
Press the
SAMPLER button to set the PADs to Sampler mode.
SHIFT down and then press the
SAMPLER button to set the PADs to Velocity Sampler mode.
Sampler mode – Pioneer DDJ-RZ Sampler pad page – VirtualDJ GUI Each one of the 8 pads
triggers a sample from the selected Sampler Bank of VirtualDJ. If a bank has less than 9 samples, both sides of DDJ-RZ will control the same samples. If a bank has more than 8 samples, the left side of DDJ-RZ will control samples 1 to 8 and the right side samples 9 to 16. The PAD will be lit if a sample slot is loaded and will blink if triggered.
Press the pads to trigger a sample. Depending on the selected trigger Pad mode, use
SHIFT and the same pads to
stop the sample.
Velocity Sampler is enabled the volume of each sample will be controlled by the velocity used to hit the pad.
Use the
PARAMETER buttons to select the
Sampler Bank (previous/next).
SHIFT down and then the PARAMETER buttons to select the
Trigger Pad mode (on/off, hold, stutter, unmute)
Read further details about Pads in the
VirtualDJ 8 manual
SHIFT and then press the
HOT CUE mode button to set the PADs to Beat Jump mode.
Beat Jump mode – Pioneer DDJ-RZ Beat Jump pad page – VirtualDJ GUI In this mode, the 8 Pads will
jump the track backwards/forward by the amount of beats depending on the selected Beatjump page (from 1/8 beats to 32 Bars)
Use the
PARAMETER buttons to select the
Beatjump bank page (previous/next).
Read further details about Pads in the
VirtualDJ 8 manual
SHIFT and then press the
FX 1 mode button to set the PADs to Key Cue mode.
Key Cue mode – Pioneer DDJ-RZ Key Cue pad page – VirtualDJ GUI Each of the 8 Pads triggers the selected Hotcue point (or the Temporary Cue if none selected or not available) at a selected Key semitone (from -7 to +7).
Eight different pages/banks are offered with various semitone values to use and a 0 value in order to reset the key to its original value is always offered in all pages.
Each time a Pad is pressed, the track will jump to the selected Hotcue point and will also alter the Key of the track to the value designated by its assigned value.
SHIFT and then press a Pad in order to select a different Hotcue for the Key pads to trigger.
Use the
PARAMETER buttons to adjust the Key of the track without triggering the Hotcue.
SHIFT and then use the PARAMETER buttons to select a different page/bank with different key semitone values.
Read further details about Pads in the
VirtualDJ 8 manual
SHIFT and then press the
SLICER mode button to set the PADs to Loops mode.
Loops mode – Pioneer DDJ-RZ Loops pad page – VirtualDJ GUI Press one of the pads to
trigger an Auto Loop of a different size in beats, depending on the selected page. There are 6 different pages available with sizes starting from 1/32 up to 128 beats.
Use the
PARAMETER buttons to
select the previous/next
page with the desired Loop sizes
SHIFT and then use the PARAMETER buttons to change the behavior of the Loop pads, by selecting the
On/Off (toggle),
Hold (momentary – while pad is pressed) or the
Roll mode (track will resume to the position it would have been once the pad is released)
Read further details about Pads in the
VirtualDJ 8 manual
Front - Rear
- MASTER OUT1: Master signal output connectors (XLR – Balanced). Use this to connect on your pro grade amplifier or self-powered speakers.
- MASTER OUT2: Master signal output connectors (RCA – Unbalanced). Use it to connect with another mixer, or consumer grade amplifier.
- BOOTH OUT: Booth signal output (TRS – Balanced). The strength of the signal is controlled by “BOOTH MONITOR LEVEL” knob (15) on the mixer section. Use it to connect your booth speakers, or an amp that needs different sound output level than master output.
- GND SCREW: Use it to screw your GND (ground) cable from turntables that provide it in order to eliminate GND static noise.
- CH4 INPUTS: Connect an analog source on CH4 of the DDJ-RZ mixer. You can connect a turntable or a CD-Player. The input is selectable via “INPUT SELECT SWITCH” (10) on the mixer section
- CH2 INPUT: Connect an analog source on CH2 of DDJ-RZ Mixer. You can only connect a CD-Player, or a similar line level device.
- CH1 INPUT: Connect an analog source on CH1 of DDJ-RZ Mixer. You can only connect a CD-Player, or a similar line level device.
- CH3 INPUTS: Connect an analog source on CH3 of the DDJ-RZ mixer. You can connect a turntable or a CD-Player.
- MIC 1 INPUT: Connect a mic on the DDJ-RZ mixer. You can use XLR or Jack (TRS) connectors.
- MIC 2 INPUT: Connect a mic on the DDJ-RZ mixer. You can use only a Jack (TRS) connector.
- USB B CONNECTOR: Use a standard USB cable to connect DDJ-RZ with your computer.
- USB A CONNECTOR: Use a standard USB cable to connect DDJ-RZ with your computer.
- POWER SWITCH: Turns on/off the power on the device. Please turn on the device only after doing and securing all connections on the back.
- AC INPUT: Connect an IEC power supply cable
- HEADPHONES CONNECTOR: Connect your headphones. Both sizes (3.5mm and 6.35mm ( 1⁄4 in)) are offered.
- CROSSFADER CURVE ADJUST: Adjusts the curve of the crossfader
Advanced Audio Options
Pioneer DDJ-RZ offers a variety of Inputs and Operation modes. The unit can operate
both as MIDI and a stand-alone hardware mixer
at the same time, allowing mixing from analogue media sources (CD Players, Turntables etc) connected to one of the 4 available inputs at the rear panel, along with the ability to use a Computer DJ Application.
Channel 3 (far left) :
Audio signal from an analogue line level source (such as a standard CD Player) connected to the CH 3
LINE inputs at the rear panel can be inserted and processed by the mixer when the switcher at the top panel is set to
Line position.
Audio signal from an analogue turntable source connected to the CH 3
PHONO inputs at the rear panel can be inserted and processed by the mixer when the switcher at the top panel is set to
Phono position.
Audio signal from VirtualDJ Deck 3 can be routed to this Channel when the switcher at the top panel is set to USB position.
Channel 1 (middle-left) :
Audio signal from an analogue line level source (such as a standard CD Player) connected to the CH 1 LINE inputs at the rear panel can be inserted and processed by the mixer when the switcher at the top panel is set to
Line position.
Audio signal from VirtualDJ Deck 1 can be routed to this Channel when the switcher at the top panel is set to USB position.
Channel 2 (middle-right) :
Audio signal from an analogue line level source (such as a standard CD Player) connected to the CH 2 LINE inputs at the rear panel can be inserted and processed by the mixer when the switcher at the top panel is set to
Line position.
Audio signal from VirtualDJ Deck 2 can be routed to this Channel when the switcher at the top panel is set to USB position.
Channel 4 (far right) :
Audio signal from an analogue line level source (such as a standard CD Player) connected to the CH 4
LINE inputs at the rear panel can be inserted and processed by the mixer when the switcher at the top panel is set to
Line position.
Audio signal from an analogue turntable source connected to the CH 4
PHONO inputs at the rear panel can be inserted and processed by the mixer when the switcher at the top panel is set to
Phono position.
Audio signal from VirtualDJ Deck 4 can be routed to this Channel when the switcher at the top panel is set to USB position.
Notes :- Each time a different source is selected from the top switchers, the audio signal of other sources on the same channel will be muted.
- Switch between various sources is smooth, providing the ability of back-to-back dj changeover.
- When the corresponding channels are set to USB position and there are two computers connected on the DDJ-RZ, the USB A/B buttons on the top of the mixer allow smooth transitions between different DJ's. When one of the USB A/B buttons is pressed for one of the sides of DDJ-RZ then both of that side channels are muted for the computer that has not the control anymore.
Internal VS. External Mixing when connected to a Computer DJ Application.
Pioneer DDJ-RZ offers two different modes of routing and mixing the audio when used by a Computer DJ Application such as VirtualDj.
default mixing mode is the "
Internal Mixer Mode" where the sound is mixed by the DJ Application and routed directly on the Master Output Bus of the controller.
The other mode is "
External Mixer Mode" where the sound of each deck on VirtualDj is routed on a separate Channel Bus of DDJ-RZ and the mixing of the audio is done by the hardware of the controller in a similar way of mixing analogue source signals.
We highly advise to use "Internal Mixer Mode" with VirtualDj. To change the Mixer Mode of the device you need to use Pioneer's own "DDJ-RZ Setting Utility" application that get's installed on your system automatically along with it's drivers:
DDJ-RZ Setting Utility - Internal Mixer Mode DDJ-RZ Setting Utility - External Mixer Mode Using External Mixer Mode
In order to use External Mixer Mode with DDJ-RZ you need to perform 3 steps:
Set the unit to "External Mixer Mode on Pioneer's "DDJ-RZ Setting Utility"
Create the following sound setup:
Select the alternative mapping for External Mixer Mode on Mappers tab:
[IMAGE88] Recording & Broadcasting
The unit offers the ability to record the Master Output along with the Microphone and LINE Inputs directly from VirtualDJ record button (in the MASTER center panel). The dedicated Recording input channel is already pre-configured, so no further adjustments need to be done.
The recorded output includes any source routed to the Mixer, including analogue media sources connected to the LINE or PHONO Inputs when the top switchers are set to the relative position.
Since the audio to be recorded is coming from the USB sound interface of DDJ-RZ, the sound level of your recording will depend on the "USB Output Level" setting of DDJ-RZ Setting Utility. By default it's set to -19db, which is a value that provides enough headroom for mixing with all 4 channels combined with effects, e.t.c. We recommend to use the default value and use a post-processing software to boost the levels of your recordings if you need to do so.
DDJ-RZ Setting Utility - Controller Output Tab Timecodes (DVS)
DDJ-RZ offers DVS (Timecoded CDs and Vinyls) Support.
Depending on whether you use Timecode Vinyl (Turntables) or Timecode CDs (CD Players) please perform the following steps:
- Connect your Turntables to LINE 3 and/or LINE 4. If you use CD Players connect them to LINE 1 and/or LINE 2 Inputs.
- Place the Input switches on the top panel to USB position for the related Mixer Channels
- Open VirtualDJ Settings ->AUDIO tab ans press the TIMECODE SIGNAL button from the INPUT tab
- Select the correct audio channels:
For Turntables use 5&6 for Channel 3 and 7&8 for Channel 4
For CD Players use 1&2 for Channel 1 and 3&4 for Channel 2
- Click to APPLY
Audio configuration with Timecode Vinyls (Turntables) - Internal Mixer Mode
Audio configuration with Timecode Vinyls (Turntables) - External Mixer Mode Use the TIMECODE On/Off buttons that will be offered on the Decks (or in the SCRATCH panel for the 4 Decks default VirtualDJ GUI) to enable/disable Timecode control or use the Timecode signal to control a different Deck (e.g. swap Timecode control for Left decks when the 4 Decks GUI is selected)
For Timecode CD's the unit also offers you the ability to connect them in Inputs 3 & 4 instead of turntables. In order to do so please open the "DDJ-RZ Setting Utility", click on the "CONTROLLER OUTPUT" tab and switch "USB5/6" Output from "CH3 Control Tone PHONO" to "CH3 Control Tone CD". Repeat the same procedure for "USB7/8" Output and change from "CH4 Control Tone PHONO" to "CH4 Control Tone CD"
DDJ-RZ Setting Utility - Controller Output Tab LINE INS
The LINE Inputs 1 and 2 can be also used to send audio signal from an analogue media source connected at the rear panel to VirtualDJ for processing.
- Connect your analogue media devices to LINE 1 and/or LINE 2
- Place the Input switches on the top panel to USB position on Mixer Channels 1 and/or 2
- Open VirtualDJ Settings ->AUDIO tab and press the LINE INPUT button from the INPUT tab
- Click to APPLY
Audio configuration with Line Inputs - Internal Mixer Mode
Audio configuration with Line Inputs - External Mixer Mode Use the LINE IN On/Off buttons that will be offered on the Decks (or in the SCRATCH panel for the 4 Decks default VirtualDJ GUI) to enable/disable Line In routing to a VirtualDJ deck.
This will provide the ability to synchronize BPM with other decks, use Effects etc.
It is possible to use both Timecodes and Line Inputs at the same time.
- Connect your analogue media devices to LINE 1, LINE 2, LINE 3 and LINE 4 Inputs as described on the chapters above.
- Place the Input switches on the top panel to USB position on all Mixer Channels
- Open VirtualDJ Settings ->AUDIO tab and press both LINE INPUT and TIMECODE SIGNAL buttons from the INPUT tab
- Click to APPLY
Audio configuration with Line Inputs and Timecodes- Internal Mixer Mode
Audio configuration with Line Inputs and Timecodes - External Mixer Mode MICROPHONE INPUTS
DDJ-RZ offers 2 Microphone Inputs and Level/EQ controls from the top panel. Both audio signals from these inputs are directly routed to the Master Output of the unit.
The Microphone inputs are not part of the USB Audio interface, so these cannot be added in VirtualDJ Audio setup and will not control the software Microphone section in the MASTER panel of VirtualDJ GUI and vice versa.
However, as mentioned in the Recording section, both Microphone Inputs can be recorded via the REC button of VirtualDJ via the dedicated recording input channel of the Audio interface.
For further Technical features and specifications, visit Pioneer DDJ-RZ
Product's Page
Hardware Integration Department 2016 - ATOMIX PRODUCTIONS Reproduction of this manual in full or in part without written permission from Atomix Productions is prohibited.