The 4 available PADS offer different functionality depending on the selected mode.
HotCues mode

Press the
HOT CUE mode button to set the PADs to HotCues mode. (solid LED). The special
HotCues 1-4 page will be automatically loaded in the Pads section of VirtualDJ GUI.
Each one of the 4 pad assigns a
Hot Cue Point (1 to 4) or returns the track to that Hot Cue Point.
When a Hot Cue Button is unlit, you can assign a Hot Cue Point by pressing it at the desired point in your track.
SHIFT and then press a pad to
delete its assigned Hot Cue Point.
Hold the HOT CUE mode button down and then use Pads 1/2 to decrease/increase the
1st Parameter of the Hotcue page (jumps to previous/next Hotcue)
Hold the HOT CUE mode button down and then use Pads 3/4 to decrease/increase the
2nd Parameter of the Hotcue page (jumps 1 beat backwards/forward)
HotCues 5-8 mode

SHIFT and then press the press the
HOT CUE mode button to set the PADs to HotCues 5-8 mode. The led of the button will blink to indicate this mode and the special
Hotcues 5-8 page will be loaded to the Pads section of VirtualDJ GUI.
Each one of the 4 pad assigns a
Hot Cue Point (5 to 8) or returns the track to that Hot Cue Point.
When a Hot Cue Button is unlit, you can assign a Hot Cue Point by pressing it at the desired point in your track.
SHIFT and then press a pad to
delete its assigned Hot Cue Point.
The Parameters of this Pad page are controlled from VirtualDJ GUI
Auto Loop mode

Press the
AUTO LOOP mode button to set the PADs to Auto Loop mode. The special
SB-Loop page will be loaded to the Pads section of VirtualDJ GUI.
Each one of the 4 pad triggers a seamless
Loop of a different size (in beats) depending on the selected page (from 1/32 beat to 8 beats).
SHIFT and then press the same Pads to trigger loops larger in size than the ones offered from the loop page (from 1/2 beat to 128 beats).
Hold the AUTO LOOP mode button down and then use Pads 1/2 to decrease/increase the
1st Parameter of the SB-Loop page (selects previous/next loop page)
Hold the AUTO LOOP mode button down and then use Pads 3/4 to decrease/increase the
2nd Parameter of the SB-Loop (selects previous/next loop trigger mode)
Roll mode

SHIFT and then press the
AUTO LOOP mode button to set the PADs to Roll mode. The led of the button will blink to indicate this mode and the special
SB-Loop Roll page will be loaded to the Pads section of VirtualDJ GUI
Each one of the 4 pad triggers a momentary (while pressed)
Loop Roll of a different size (from 1/32 to 1/4 beat). Hold
SHIFT and then press the same Pads to trigger a loop roll of 1/2 to 4 beats. When the Pad is released, the track will resume playing from the position it would have been if the loop was never triggered.
This Pad page has no parameters
Manual Loop mode
Press the
MANUAL LOOP mode button to set the PADs to Manual Loop mode. The special
SB-Manual page will be loaded to the Pads section of VirtualDJ GUI
When not in loop, use the 1st Pad to set a
Loop In (start) point. When in loop, use the same Pad to jump to the Loop In point.
When not in loop, use the 2nd Pad to set the Exit point of the loop (
Loop Out) and trigger a manual loop, starting from the Loop In point. When in loop, use the same Pad to exit the loop.
When in loop, use the 3rd Pad to
exit the Loop or
trigger a Loop of the selected size in beats if in loop.
Use the 4th Pad to
half the size of the Loop.
SHIFT down and then use the 1st/2nd Pad to
move the triggered loop
backwards/forward by 1 beat.
SHIFT down and then use the 3rd Pad to activate the last triggered loop (
SHIFT down and then use the 4th Pad to
double the size of the Loop.
Hold the MANUAL LOOP button down and then use Pads 1/2 to decrease/increase the
1st Parameter of the Pads page (halves/double the size of the loop)
SB-Manual Loop page
SB-Manual Loop page when SHIFT is pressed Cue- Loop mode

SHIFT and then press the
MANUAL LOOP button to set the PADs to Cue-Loop mode. The led of the button will blink to indicate this mode and the special
SB-CueLoop page will be loaded to the Pads section of VirtualDJ GUI.
In this mode each one of the 4 pad assigns a
Hot Cue Point (1 to 4) or returns the track to that Hot Cue Point, but in both cases, it
also triggers a Loop at that point. Press the same Pad to disable the applied loop.
SHIFT and then use the same PADs to apply the same functionality for
HotCues 5 to 8.
The Parameters of this Pad page are controlled from VirtualDJ GUI
Sampler mode

Press the
SAMPLER mode button to set the PADs to Sampler mode. The special
Sampler 1-4 page will be loaded to the Pads section of VirtualDJ GUI.
Each one of the 4 pads
triggers a sample from the selected Sampler Bank of VirtualDJ. If a bank has less than 9 samples, both sides of the DDJ-SB will control the same
samples 1 to 4. If a bank has more than 8 samples, the left side of the DDJ-SB will control samples 1 to 4 and the right side samples 9 to 12
Depending on the selected trigger mode, use
SHIFT and the same pads to
stop the sample.
Hold the SAMPLER mode button down and then use Pad 1/2 to decrease/increase the
1st Parameter of the pad page (select previous/next Sampler Bank)
Hold the SAMPLER mode button down and then use Pad 3/4 to decrease/increase the
2nd Parameter of the pad page (select previous/next Sampler Trigger mode)
Hold the SAMPLER mode button down and then use the BROWSE encoder to adjust the
Master Volume of the Sampler Sampler 5-8 mode

SHIFT and then press the
SAMPLER mode button to set the PADs to Sampler 5-8 mode. The led of the button will blink to indicate this mode and the special
Sampler 5-8 page will be loaded to the Pads section of VirtualDJ GUI.
Each one of the 4 pads
triggers a sample from the selected Sampler Bank of VirtualDJ. If a bank has less than 9 samples, both sides of the DDJ-SB will control the same
samples 5 to 8. If a bank has more than 8 samples, the left side of the DDJ-SB will control samples 5 to 8 and the right side samples 13 to 16
Depending on the selected trigger mode, use
SHIFT and the same pads to
stop the sample.
In this mode the Parameters of the Pads page are controlled from the GUI.
Hardware Integration Department 2017 - ATOMIX PRODUCTIONS Reproduction of this manual in full or in part without written permission from Atomix Productions is prohibited.