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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Song not found in vdj
On my D drive on my laptop I have the song Man I feel like a women. But it's not found in vdj under d drive. I re -analized all my 75,000songs.
Thanks for your help

Posted 2 hours ago
I always do this first everytime I search for a song and not being listed.

I Drag and drop the song to the AUTOMIX window and add the song to the DATABASE.

Usually this will take care of the problem.

Posted an hour ago
need to recurse folder to see if it's in there for VirtualDJ to see it
it might be an older DRM file and won't play in the software (tho it should still recognize it being there - so weird)
open Options and search autoSearchDB and select Yes - then it will automatically add any song that virtualDJ encounters while browsing your folders and drives to the search database

Posted 11 minutes ago