It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)!
Wow, nearly 8000 people downloaded this effect!
And it has a great potential - Thank You LOCODOC.
You can give a SWING-FEELING to all of Your tracks and
even deswing/straighten Swing-Music.
For everyone to be able to try this powerful tool,
I mapped a knob to keep the tempo stable.
Sorry, the code is horrible,
but this works for trying and fool around with the effect.
effect_slider 1 1 & param_multiply -0.5 & param_delta & pitch & down? effect_slider 1 1 0 & pitch 100%
The effect must be in slot 1 and PITCH RANGE set to +-50
Now, instead of turning the BPM knob in the sWingIt window, turn the TEMPO STABLE-Knob.
Unfortunately, the stable tempo is lost when you release the button and touch it again.
Then press the centre for RESET and swing it again.

OK, the tempo remains just approximately the same (123 to 123,44)
Instead of improving my routine, maybe someone can develop the dll of the effect right away?
To use this great effect live in the mix, the sWingIt tempo (123) and the song tempo (92.6) would have to be the same. Only then can the other deck be synced.
The basic tempo of the track must remain stable. Only the swing may change.
But how would that be programmed?
So, the needle splits each beat. For the SWING, the tempo of the area to the right of the needle is increased. To keep the tempo stable, we now have to slow down the area leftsided from the needle.
the amount of the slowing down depends on the position of the needle.
By the way: To straighten up Swing-songs we have to do this in opposite (speed up left part and slow down right part of each beat.)
I´m not able to program this, but there will be someone!
Anyone else would love to have SWING-knobs easy to use?
I think, if You would use this knob once in a Gig - this would be worth it!
So, every idea, comment, help could interest app. 8000 people ;-)