Filter Folder Examples
Below are some examples that can be used to create and/or modify your own Filter Folders. Understand that this is only a guide and filter scripts can be changed to your individual preferences.
POPULAR FILTERS FILTEREXPECTED RESULTisscanned=0Displays all files in the database that have not been analyzed
isscanned=1Displays all files in the database that have been analyzed
top 100 nbplayDisplays the top 100 files played based on the play count field
top 100 firstseenDisplays the top 100 recently added files
days since lastplay<7Files played in the last week
days since lastplay<31Files played in the last month
days since lastplay<365Files played in the last year
lastplay=0Displays files that have never been played
Play Count>=1Displays files that have been played at least once
type=audioDisplays only Audio files
type=videoDisplays only Video files
type=karaokeDisplays only Karaoke files
year>=1980 and year<1990Displays files from the 1980's (1980 - 1989)
hascover=1Displays files that have cover art
hascover=0Displays files with no cover art
Precomputed Stems =1Displays all files with pre-computed Stems
bpm>120 and bpm<130Displays files with a BPM range between 120 and 130 DATABASE FILTERS FILTEREXPECTED RESULTisscanned=0Displays all files in the database that have not been analyzed
isscanned=1Displays all files in the database that have been analyzed
exists=1Displays all files that have been added to the search database
exists=0Displays all missing files from the search database
days since first seen <10Displays all files that have been added to the database in the last 10 daysgroup by year range 10Displays year tags in groups of 10 (example: 2000 - 2010) TAG MANAGEMENT FILTERS FILTEREXPECTED RESULTArtist is ""Displays all files in the database that have no artist in the tag
Title is ""Displays all files in the database that have no title in the tag
Genre is ""Displays all files in the database that have no genre in the tag
bitrate < 128 and bitrate >1Displays all files that have been analyzed with an audio bitrate less than 128 (low bitrate)
Album Art = 0Displays all files that have no cover art attached to the files tag MIXING FILTERS FILTEREXPECTED RESULTgroup by bpmDisplays all bpm values in nested folders
bpm>=90 and bpm <=95Displays all files that have been analyzed in the 90 - 95 BPM range
Bpm Difference <2 and Key Difference <1Displays files that are compatible to the file playing in the active deck with a difference of less than 2 BPM and less than 1 key change COLOR FILTERS FILTEREXPECTED RESULTcolor = "none"Displays all files with no color associated with them
color = "red"Displays all files that are colored red
color = "#FF0000"Displays all files that are colored with that hex value (red in the example)
color = "255,0,0"Displays all files that are colored with that RGB value (red in the example)
group by colorDisplays all files in nested folders according to their specified color List of VDJScript verbs