User Manual
Once a track is loaded to a deck, the track’s Info such as Artist, Title, Time, and BPM will be displayed in this area. The track will be analyzed and the song position (progress) will be displayed. Depending on what Layout is selected, more complex information and controls will be displayed such as Key, Key Control, Master Tempo, etc.

- DECK INDICATOR. The Deck Indicator highlights the current active or working deck. It will switch automatically to the opposing deck when a song is loaded but can also be clicked on manually to bring the preferred deck into focus.
- TITLE AND ARTIST. Displays the title, artist and remix (displayed in brackets if available) of the track according to the tagged information. This information can be modified in the Tag Editor.
- WAVEFORM AND PROGRESS INDICATOR. Displays the track waveform with beat indicator underneath to show breaks, as well as the current position and any cue points or other marked Points Of Interest (see POI Editor).
- TEMPO. This displays the current BPM (Beats Per Minute) of the deck.
- TIME DISPLAY. Displays the remaining time of the track loaded in the deck. Clicking on the Time Display will toggle between Remaining and Elapsed times.

- DECK INDICATOR. The Deck Indicator highlights the current active or working deck. It will switch automatically to the opposing deck when a song is loaded but can also be clicked on manually to bring the preferred deck into focus.
- TITLE AND ARTIST. Displays the title, artist and remix (displayed in brackets if available) of the track according to the tagged information. This information can be modified in the Tag Editor.
- WAVEFORM AND PROGRESS INDICATOR. Displays the track waveform with beat indicator underneath to show breaks, as well as the current position and any cue points or other marked Points Of Interest (see POI Editor).
- TEMPO. This displays the current BPM (Beats Per Minute) of the deck.
- TIME DISPLAY. Displays the remaining time of the track loaded in the deck. Clicking on the Time Display will toggle between Remaining and Elapsed times.
- KEY MATCH MENU. Clicking on the Key Match Menu will provide the ability to change the key (listed in semitones). Click on the desired key to instantly change it.
Selecting Automatic Key Match from this menu will change the key by up to one semitone on the opposing deck when a track is loaded. If the track has a greater difference than one semitone, it will remain unaffected. - KEY DISPLAY. Displays the Harmonic Key of the track. Clicking on the key value will toggle it between the actual Key name (G#) and it's harmonic value.

- DECK INDICATOR. The Deck Indicator highlights the current active or working deck. It will switch automatically to the opposing deck when a song is loaded but can also be clicked on manually to bring the preferred deck into focus.
- TITLE AND ARTIST. Displays the title, artist, Cover Art, and remix (displayed in brackets if available) of the track according to the tagged information. This information can be modified in the Tag Editor. Right-clicking on the Cover Art will provide options to open the Tag Editor, BPM Editor, POIs Editor, or Save prepared stems. Dragging a video file onto the Cover Art will link it to the audio file in the deck that can be edited in the Video Editor.
- WAVEFORM AND PROGRESS INDICATOR. Displays the track waveform with beat indicator underneath to show breaks, as well as the current position and any cue points or other marked Points Of Interest (see POI Editor).
- PHRASE INDICATOR AND SYNC. This displays the current Phrase the track is on. Clicking on it will automatically sync the Phrase of the opposing deck.
- TEMPO. This displays the current BPM (Beats Per Minute) of the deck. Clicking on the BPM value will open the Tempo Adjustment Menu in the Title Area:
A) EDIT. Opens the BPM Editor
B) TAP. Click the Tap button to manually calculate the BPM of the track by tapping to the beat 4 times. If the track is stopped, clicking on the Tap button will set it’s current position as the “First Beat” without changing the tempo (shifts phase).
C) CBG ADJUST (%). Adjusts the CBG (Computerized Beat Grid) by 1% increments for fine tuning.
D) CBG ADJUST (beat). Adjusts the CBG (Computerized Beat Grid) by 1 beat increments for quick adjustments. - KEY MENU. The Key Menu offers 4 functions:
Master Tempo - Indicated by MT will turn the master tempo on or off when clicked.
Smart Key Match - Clicking on the KEY text will instantly match the opposing deck if the key is +/- one semitone. Key adjustment arrows are provided to manually adjust the key outside of the smart range.
Key Display - Displays the Harmonic Key of the track. Clicking on the key value will toggle it between the actual Key name (G#) and it's harmonic value.
Key Match Menu - Clicking on the Key Match Menu will provide the ability to change the key (listed in semitones). Click on the desired key to instantly change it. Selecting Automatic Key Match from this menu will change the key by up to one semitone on the opposing deck when a track is loaded. If the track has a greater difference than one semitone, it will remain unaffected. - TIME DISPLAY. Displays the elapsed and remaining times of the track loaded in the deck. Clicking on the Time Display will first toggle the elapsed time to the total time, then toggle both time displays to one large display that shows remaining time only.
- AUTO SYNC OPTIONS. Opens the Auto Sync Options menu:
Auto Match BPM
Automatically changes the pitch to match the BPM of the opposing deck when a song is loaded. Auto Key Match
Automatically changes the key when a song is loaded to match they key of the opposing deck when the key difference is up to 1 semitone. Auto Sync on Play
Automatically start playing from the nearest position that would allow the songs to be beat-matched with one another. Auto Pitch Lock
Automatically locks the pitch sliders of both decks whenever BPMs are matched. When moving manually, both pitch sliders will move together in order to stay matched.
Basic Controls